J.D. Power And Associates Announces Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

By mag on 2:05 PM

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J.D. Power and Associates has released its 2008 Wireless Call Quality Performance Study - Volume 1, focused on customer satisfaction with the major carriers in terms of call quality. Coming out on top in this report are Alltel, T-Mobile, Verizon, and U.S. Cellular, split up between the different regions.

This report is conducted twice a year and looks at seven specific areas: dropped calls, static/interference, failed connection at first try, voice distortion, echo, no immediate voicemail notification, and no immediate text message notification. The issues are measured as problems per 100 calls (PP100), so a lower score indicates better performance.

Verizon Wireless claimed the win in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions, while Alltel takes the cake with the Southeast and West regions. T-Mobile and Alltel tied for the Southwest region, and U.S. Cellular claims the North Central region for the fifth consecutive time.

The study also found that CDMA networks typically have a lower score (and therefore perform better in these call quality-related areas) than GSM networks do. Also interesting is that customers using 3G handsets experienced, on average, fewer issues than those not using a 3G handset.

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